75% of Oakland Voters Say Zoo Should Re-Think Expansion Plans, Protect City’s Largest Park You may have just heard about the new public poll we commissioned and its stunning results: A supermajority (75%) of likely Oakland voters say the Oakland Zoo should either not be allowed to expand into undeveloped parkland or that any expansion […]

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This Is It! Your Action NOW Is Urgently Needed

As you know, the zoo’s plan to use the most environmentally sensitive areas of the park that are located on the ridgeline is now running into trouble. Because the destruction of wildlife habitat is so severe and permanent, the wildlife regulators are requiring the zoo to make up for it by setting aside more than […]

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“Zoo Gone Wild” Investigative Article Lays It Out!

“Zoo Gone Wild” Investigative Article Lays It Out!

The East Bay Express has published an in-depth article about the zoo’s expansion plans in Knowland Park called “Zoo Gone Wild.”

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Sierra Club Expresses Serious Concerns about Zoo Expansion Location

Oakland Zoo’s proposed expansion into Knowland Park goes from bad to worse July 28, 2014 The Sierra Club has grown increasingly concerned about the California Trails exhibit that the Oakland Zoo proposes to build on the ridge line of Knowland Park. The City of Oakland approved the fifty-six-acre project in 2011 on a fifteen-year-old Mitigated Negative Declaration. […]

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Oakland Magazine covers Knowland Park Fight, and Other Updates

News Updates: Oakland Magazine covers Knowland Park Fight Did you see the recent article in Oakland Magazine about Knowland Park and the fight to save it? If you missed it, read it here:

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