A little less than a month ago, the Friends of Knowland Park launched a referendum campaign to overturn a City Council ordinance that took away 53 acres of the heart of Knowland Park from public access forever.

Referendum: Let the People of Oakland Decide How Their Public Parkland Is Used!
Friends of Knowland Park held a press conference at Oakland City Hall Tuesday, December 16 to kick off a 30-day referendum petition drive. The group seeks a public vote on whether to reverse a recent City Council decision that paved the way for a controversial Oakland Zoo expansion above the ridge in the heart of Knowland […]

Save Knowland Park – The City Council voted…
By now most of you have probably heard that the vote did not go our way at the Oakland City Council on Tuesday night, with a 6–2 vote to pass the “conservation easement” ordinance, moving the zoo one step closer to breaking ground. However, two courageous Councilmembers did stand with the public and voted against approving this fake “conservation easement” […]

THIS IS IT: Last chance to protect Knowland Park!
Please come to Oakland City Council meeting Tues 11/18 starting 5:30 pm Oakland City Hall at 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Please RSVP here if you can attend: bit.ly/knowlandmeeting. Beautiful & wild Knowland Park is home to native wildlife, including rare and threatened species, and it was deeded to the city of Oakland to remain […]

RESULTS of Parks Commission Hearing
Our turnout for the Oakland Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission (PRAC) hearing Wednesday night (Oct 22) on whether to recommend that the City Council approve letting the Zoo take even more of Knowland Park was GREAT—well over 50 Park defenders showed up…and wow, were they powerful, articulate, and persuasive! The sea of blue Save Knowland […]
Save Oakland’s Oaks
Expansion Controversy
Search Our SIte
Who we are
- People from all over the Bay Area who have come together around a shared concern for the health of our environment and our urban community.
- We enjoy the outdoors and love wild places.
- We care about protecting local wildlife and rare native plant habitats.
- We support public access to our remaining natural open space.
- We love Oakland, and are concerned about the misuse of public resources and taxpayer dollars by private business interests.
What we want to do
- Save the wildest park in Oakland from development—keep it free for everyone to enjoy.
- Stop the Oakland Zoo’s expansion into the heart of Knowland Park, and require that any expansion be located on already disturbed land adjacent to the zoo’s existing site.
- Protect dwindling native wildlife habitat, and preserve our remaining open space for future generations.
- Support the City of Oakland in requiring strict fiscal accountability and true environmental stewardship of Knowland Park’s amazing natural resources.