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Official Documents, Provided by City Attorney in response to PRR 5870, Aug, 2011
Chronological List

(Click here for Original Organization.)
  1. 000526.pdf - Articles of Incorporation, Alameda County Zological Society, Apr. 23, 1936

  2. 1950:
  3. 000772.pdf - Agreement and Sublease, Dec. 1, '49, approved Mar. 30, '50
  4. 000776.pdf - Ordinance 4912, re, Quitclaim and Surrender, May 15, '50

  5. 1956:
  6. 000765.pdf - Precis and signed QUitclaim and Surrender, Jul. 16, '56, approved Dec. 31, '56

  7. 1968:
  8. 000758.pdf - Mgmt. Agrmnt, Jan. 23, '68

  9. 1969:
  10. 000665.pdf - Letter from Dir. of Parks to Wisconsin Dalles, Aug. 27, '69 (3 copies)

  11. 1970:
  12. 000665.pdf - Minutes of Annual Mtg. of East Bay Botanical and Zoological Society, Jan. 22, '70

  13. 1973:
  14. 000761.pdf -
    1. Amendment #1 to Quitclaim and Surrender, Feb. 7, '73;
    2. Resolution 52929, re, this Quitclaim, Feb. 1, '73

  15. 1974:
  16. 000756.pdf - Amendment to Agreement, City and EBBZS, Jan. 23, '74

  17. 1975:
  18. 000476.pdf - Conveyance of KP from State to City, Aug. 18, '75
  19. 000534.pdf - Conveyance of PH from State to City, Aug. 18, '75
  20. 000693.pdf - Letter of Conveyance, from State to City, with Capital Improvements, 19 Aug., '75
  21. 000752.pdf - Illegible Letter, City Clerk to Office of Parks and Rec., re, Contracts (?), Mar. ?, '75
  22. 001037.pdf - Rental Agreement, City and Louis Tavares, Nov. 12, '75

  23. 1976:
  24. 000744.pdf - Agreement, City and EBBZS, Jul. 20, '76
  25. 000746.pdf - Resolution 55683, re, Mgmt. Agrmnt., Jul. 6, '76
  26. 000748.pdf - Amendment to Agreement, City and EBBZS, Jan. 10, '76

  27. 1977:
  28. 000585.pdf - Folder: EBZS Lease, 1977 - 1987
  29. 000665.pdf -
    1. Certificates of Insurance, Jul. 29, 1982, Jul. 29, 1977;
    2. Letter and Interoffice Letter from City Atty to Office of Parks and Rec., re, Concession sale, Jul. 7, '77
  30. 000732.pdf -
    1. Concession sale, with inventory and values, Jun. 30, '77;
    2. Payment agreement and bill of sale, Jun. 30, '77
  31. 000740.pdf - Amendment to Agreement, City and EBBZS, Apr. 1, '77
  32. 000742.pdf - Amendment to Agreement, City and EBBZS, Jan. 26, '77

  33. 1980:
  34. 000200.pdf - Oakland Zoo Master Plan Report, Oct. 1980

  35. 1981:
  36. 000680.pdf - EBZS Affirmative Action Plan, May 5, '81
  37. 000684.pdf - Rental Agreement, City and Diane Blackman, Jan. 16, '81, with attachments re KP Security
  38. 001035.pdf -
    1. PG&E Credit deposit Request, $45.00, 12/7/81;
    2. Rental Agreement City and Diane Blackman, Jun. 16, '81

  39. 1982:
  40. 000665.pdf - Certificates of Insurance, Jul. 29, 1982, Jul. 29, 1977
  41. 000699.pdf - Animal Inventory, May 10, '82
  42. 000707.pdf - Proposed Operational Budged, '82-'83, EBZS
  43. 000710.pdf - Blank (but signed) agreement between City and EBZS, Aug. 1, '82
  44. 000750.pdf - Blank (unsigned) Mgmt. Agrmn t, 1982
  45. 000752.pdf - Ordinance 10229, re, Lease Agrmnt., 6/22/82 (two copies)

  46. 1983:
  47. 000707.pdf -
    1. Agreement, City and EBZS, Zoo Staff Work Clothes, Feb. 4, '83;
    2. Proposed Operational Budged, '82-'83, EBZS

  48. 1985:
  49. 000586.pdf - EBZS 1985-86 Proposed Budget and Capital Improvements for 85-86 & 86-87
  50. 000605.pdf - EBZS Animal Inventory, Oct. 1, '85
  51. 000609.pdf - Memo, Office of Parks and Rec. to EBZS, re, Decisions on '85-86 Budget
  52. 000611.pdf - (Partial?) Annual Report, Jun. 18, '85
  53. 000613.pdf - EBSZ Animal Inventory, Apr. 1, '85
  54. 000617.pdf - Duplicate of above inventory
  55. 000621.pdf - EBZS Balance Sheet, 03/31/85
  56. 000638.pdf - Status of the Collection, Feb. 1, '85

  57. 1986:
  58. 000586.pdf - EBZS 1985-86 Proposed Budget and Capital Improvements for 85-86 & 86-87
  59. 000609.pdf - Memo, Office of Parks and Rec. to EBZS, re, Decisions on '85-'86 Budget

  60. 1987:
  61. 000585.pdf - Folder: EBZS Lease, 1977 - 1987
  62. 000586.pdf - EBZS 1985-86 Proposed Budget and Capital Improvements for 85-86 & 86-87

  63. 1988:
  64. 000268.pdf - Folder: EBSZ Lease, 1988 - Present

  65. 1990:
  66. 000124.pdf - Oakland Zoo Master Plan, Sept. 10, 1990
  67. 000146.pdf - City Council Agenda, Dec. 4, 1990
  68. 000151.pdf - Interoffice Letter, Dec. 4. 1990
  69. 000152.pdf - City Council Agenda, Dec. 18, 1990
  70. 000166.pdf - City Council Minutes, Dec. 18, 1990
  71. 000574.pdf - Letter from City Atty. to Zoo regarding return of fee for Snow Bldg. to Temple Beth Sholom, Oct. 25, '90
  72. 000575.pdf - Letter from City Atty. to M. L. Eisenberg, re. Penal Code Sec. 319/320 (lotteries/gaming), Oct. 22, '90
  73. 000577.pdf - Fax of above letter
  74. 000581.pdf -
    1. Daily Review article, Oct. 17, '90, re, Monte Carlo Night at Zoo;
    2. Article 5, on Games of Chance, Sec. 3-5, on gambling and betting

  75. 1991:
  76. 000785.pdf - Measure K Program Payment Request Form, Oct. 23, '91
  77. 000924.pdf -
    1. Agreement between EZS and City for Security Services at Zoo, 4/15/91 - 4/14/92;
    2. Interoffice Letter, City to "Ranger Section", describing ranger duties, Jun. 5, '91
  78. 001015.pdf - Mgmnt. Agrmnt., with Measure K Series 1 Projects/Costs/Timelines, Version 3, 12/6/91

  79. 1992:
  80. 000570.pdf - Letter from Office of Parks and Rec. to Zoo, re, draft 10-year contract, Dec. 18, '92
  81. 000752.pdf - Resolution 61084, re, Renovation of irrigation system at KP, Dec. 7, '92
  82. 000781.pdf -
    1. Letter from City Atty. to Zoo re, extension of Mgmt. Agrmnt. from Aug. '92 until new one is executed, Oct. 15, '92;
    2. Letter from Zoo to Office of Parks and Rec. re, extended Mgmt. Agrmnt., Oct. 29, '92
  83. 000785.pdf - Letter from Office of Parks and Rec., re, new Mgmt. Agrmnt, Jul. 13, '92
  84. 000789.pdf - Bylaws of EBZS, Nov. 4, '92
  85. 000869.pdf -
    1. Interoffice Letter, Office of Parks and Rec. to City Mgr., re, Mgmt. Agrmnt., with description of 15 capital projects, Jun. 16, '92;
    2. Resolution 69031, re, Mgmnt. Agrmnt., Jun. 16, ' 92
  86. 000874.pdf -
    1. Mgmnt. Agrmnt., with Measure K Series 1 Projects/Costs/Timelines, Jul. 10, '92;
    2. City Affadavits E, F of South Africa Divestment;
    3. Certificate of Insurance 6/24/92;
    4. Performance Bond, EBZS, Jun. 30, '92;
    5. Power of Attorney, Jul. 9, '92
  87. 000904.pdf - Blank, unsigned Mgmt. Agrmnt., 1992
  88. 000924.pdf - Agreement between EZS and City for Security Services at Zoo, 4/15/91 - 4/14/92
  89. 000934.pdf -
    1. Interoffice Letter (3 copies), City Mgr. to Office of Parks and Rec., authorizing EBZS to use Sole Source Vendors w/o competitive bidding for Measure K projects, Jul. 7, '92;
    2. Draft Resolution authorizing same, 7/1/92
  90. 000942.pdf - Letter from Office of Parks and Rec. to Zoo, re, Measure K improvements, Jul. 3, '92
  91. 000943.pdf -
    1. Interoffice Letter (3 copies), Office of Parks and Rec. to City Mgr, re, project mgmt services for Zoo improvement projects, Jun. 16, '92 through Apr. 1, '94, Jun. 16, '92;
    2. Blank, unsigned Mgmt. Agrmnt., with Measure K project costs/descriptions;
    3. Blank Resolution authorizing same, 1992 (4 copies)
  92. 000981.pdf - Letter from Office of Parks and Rec. to Zoo, on expiry of Mgmnt. Agrmnt., Mar. 18, '92
  93. 000982.pdf -
    1. Interoffice Letter from Measure K Technical Team to EBZS, re, Measure K projects, Feb. 4, '92;
    2. Mgmt. Agrmnt, 1992; Exhibits A and B on Measure K, with spreadsheets of project costs
  94. 001015.pdf - Interoffice Letter from Measure K Technical Team to EBZS, re, Measure K, Jan. 13, '92

  95. 1993:
  96. 000534.pdf - Interoffice Letter, draft ordinance, re. 10-year lease, Feb. 10, '93
  97. 000565.pdf - Memo from Ceda Floyd (City) to Office of Parks and Rec., re, Can EBZS raise fees w/o city approval, 2/5/93
  98. 000567.pdf - Letter, Zoo to Office of Parks and Rec., re, changes to contract, Jan 15, '93

  99. 1994:
  100. 000281.pdf - Letter and Fax, City to Zoo, re, Expiry of Mgmt. Agreement, Mar, '94
  101. 000285.pdf -
    1. Check stub, 9/19/94, $119,857, City to EBZS;
    2. Fax cover, page 2 of unknown doc., possibly mgmt. agreement
  102. 000447.pdf - Bylaws of EBZS, Jun. 29, '94
  103. 000476.pdf - Mgmt. Agrmnt., 3/9/94;
  104. 000501.pdf - Draft 10-year lease, 1/18/94
  105. 000503.pdf - Mgmnt. Agrmnt., with projects & costs, 1994
  106. 000517.pdf - Interoffice letters from City Mgr. re. 10-year lease, grant to exceed $100K, Jan. 4, '94
  107. 000521.pdf - Interoffice Letter and unsigned ordinance, re, 10-year lease, Jan. 4, '94
  108. 000789.pdf - Interoffice letter, Office of Parks and Rec. to City Mgr, re, 10 year lease, Jan. 4, '94
  109. 000854.pdf - Mgmnt. Agrmnt. with project costs, descriptions, Oct. 4, '94
  110. 000943.pdf - Interoffice Letter (3 copies), Office of Parks and Rec. to City Mgr, re, project mgmt services for Zoo improvement projects, Jun. 16, '92 through Apr. 1, '94, Jun. 16, '92
  111. 001061.pdf -
    1. Mgmt. Agrmnt., Mar. 10, '94;
    2. Ordinance 11683, re, 10 year lease, Feb. 1, '94

  112. 1995:
  113. 000277.pdf - Certificate of Insurance, 9/25/95
  114. 000281.pdf - Certificate of Insurance, 9/25/95;

  115. 1996:
  116. 000039.pdf - Oakland Zoo Master Plan, October, 1996
  117. 001043.pdf - Independent Auditors' Report on EBZS, Jun. 30, '97 & '96

  118. 1997:
  119. 001043.pdf - Independent Auditors' Report on EBZS, Jun. 30, '97 & '96

  120. 1998:
  121. 000001.pdf - Ordinance 12078, July 28, 1998
  122. 000081.pdf - Resolution 74736, Dec. 15, 1998

  123. 2000:
  124. 000840.pdf - Resolution 76180, re, Mgmt Agrmnt. ($5,190,000), Dec. 12, '00
  125. 000842.pdf -
    1. Measure K, Series D Project Description, 7/21/00;
    2. Certificate of Insurance, 12/21/00;
    3. Certificate. of Insurance, 12/21/00;
    4. Insurance Amendment, Aug. 5, '00

  126. 2001:
  127. 000822.pdf - Mgmt. Agrmnt, Mar. 7, 2001
  128. 000842.pdf -
    1. Measure K, Series D Project Budget;
    2. Business Tax Certificate., Dec. 31, '01;
    3. Certificate. of Insurance, 7/01/01

  129. 2003:
  130. 000288.pdf - Many doc uments pertaining to Mgmt Agreement, dating from '03 through '06, incl.
    1. amendments,
    2. evidence of $800K city subsidy,
    3. reports from Zoo,
    4. presentation files,
  131. 000779.pdf - Letter from Zoo to Wm. Noland, re, allocation of FEMA funds to Zoo, Oct. 17 & 23, '03

  132. 2004:
  133. 000288.pdf - Many documents pertaining to Mgmt Agreement, dating from '03 through '06, incl.
    1. amendments,
    2. evidence of $800K city subsidy,
    3. reports from Zoo,
    4. presentation files,
  134. 000410.pdf - Evidence of Insurance, 5/14/04
  135. 000416.pdf -
    1. Apprenticeship Workforce Development Doc.;
    2. Memo, City Admin. to City Clerk re. new Mgmt. Agrmnt, 10/19/04;
    3. partial Resolution 78872 adopting Mgmt. Agrmnt, Sep. 30, '04
  136. 000447.pdf - Partial Resolution 78872, Jul 10, '04, etc.;

  137. 2005:
  138. 000288.pdf - Many documents pertaining to Mgmt Agreement, dating from '03 through '06, incl.
    1. amendments,
    2. evidence of $800K city subsidy,
    3. reports from Zoo,
    4. presentation files,
  139. 000384.pdf - Decl. of Compliance, living wage ord., 5/10/05
  140. 000386.pdf - Decl. of Compliance, ADA, 4/21/05
  141. 000388.pdf - Decl. of Non-Discriminatiuon, 5/10/05
  142. 000394.pdf - 2005 Employee Insurance Remewal Offerings, Kaiser Permanente
  143. 000396.pdf - Partial HR Policies - vacation, holidays, sick leave, etc.
  144. 000407.pdf - Ack. of Campaign Contribution Limits, Nuclear-Free Zone

  145. 2006:
  146. 000288.pdf - Many documents pertaining to Mgmt Agreement, dating from '03 through '06, incl.
    1. amendments,
    2. evidence of $800K city subsidy,
    3. reports from Zoo,
    4. presentation files,

  147. 2009:
  148. 000269.pdf - Evidence of Property Insurance, 5/15/09
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