From: Kent Lewandowski Subject: Re: [SFBAY-NACG-EXCOM] Oakland Zoo Master Plan 2009 Revisions - Sierra Club letter Date: December 12, 2010 10:59:07 PM PST To: Scott Miller Cc: Northern Alameda County Group ExCom , Darin Ranelletti , Larry Reid Dear Scott, Thank you for your email. We are disappointed that the City is taking a rigid approach about the public comment period on a project as controversial as the Oakland Zoo Expansion. Regarding the CEQA rules, the significant question appears to be whether "new significant environmental impacts, or substantial increases in previously identified significant impacts, due to project changes" have occurred since the 1998 Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted. We believe that such "substantial increases" have, indeed occurred with the Zoo expansion plan. Following up on our discussion, we would like to request that the City please post the previous environmental review documents, going back to 1998, as well as the newly submitted documents and reports, on the City website. This will make it easier for us, the volunteers, to find the documents we need, especially considering we will be limited in terms of how long we will have to respond. I was able to find a page that lists documents grouped by project, However, there does not appear to be any posted document about the zoo expansion there. On behalf of the Sierra Club, I appreciate that you took the time to meet with us and follow up. Kent Lewandowski Chair, Northern Alameda County Group Sierra Club, SF Bay Chapter tel. 510-759-6646 (c) cc: Darin Ranelletti, Council Member Reid's office