From: Kent Lewandowski Subject: Re: Update for Supporters of Knowland Park (confidential - FOK / Sierra Club only) Date: December 10, 2010 4:41:46 PM PST To: Cc: Malone Ruth , Webster Jason , Ron Bishop , Juliet Lamont Reply-To: Dear Friends of Knowland Park, I was meaning to write you an email. This week Tuesday, Ron Bishop and I from Sierra Club met with Darin Ranelletti and Scott Miller (Oakland Planning and Zoning) to discuss our most recent letter, which you mentioned in your bulletin. We learned a few things: - The Zoo recently submitted what Planning and Zoning considers to be a "complete" application, including drawings of the proposed expansion. This is a significant step, because it represents what the zoo calls its "final proposal," which will be subsequently reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be publicized. We asked that Planning and Zoning publish these materials, as well as the old plans and studies, online through their website. - The environmental study from Placemakers, the consultant to the City, is apparently in the final stages, and is scheduled to be released in "late January." Ron and I asked for more details about this, particularly about whether or not the study would be a "negative declaration" or a "full blown EIR." Darin and Scott said they don't know, and can't know, until the document is released. They indicated that this is normal CEQA process. I am also not sure that the document will be ready by end of January. It seems that end of Jan. will be the "earliest" date. I am more expecting Feb. or March 2011. - The study will include at a minimum, new biological surveys, traffic study, water runoff study and analysis of impacts. I asked how many times and when was Placemakers out to the site performing surveys. Planning and Zoning said that the study would state the dates and times that each study had occurred. I don't think they've kept track of this. - We did not get any verbal assurance on lengthening the comment period, though we lobbied hard on this point. I said it is in the power of the public agency to do it, while Scott Miller argued against this, saying it would "set a precedent." - I am going to ask the Bay Chapter for approval to set up a dedicated 501(c)3 account for the No. Alameda County Group so that, in 2011, funds can be collected for purposes of zoo litigation. It is not guaranteed that I will get this approval, but I will try. Feel free to publish this to your list of supporters. Kent