Mammals found in Knowland Park range from the 100+ lb. mountain lion down to the tiny shrew that weighs a few ounces. Although active year round, many of the mammals are nocturnal, staying hidden from view during the day–the best time to catch a glimpse is dusk or dawn. Most of the park’s mammals have fur in shades of brown or gray and are well camouflaged with the notable exception of the striped skunk whose distinct black and white fur advertises a warning to potential predators to back off or else.
This list is incomplete. It does not include bats or small rodents for which we have no photos. The mammals included in this slide show are known to occur in Knowland Park based on the evidence of direct observation or of confirmation by wildlife experts of signs such as burrows, nests, tracks, scat, and prey carcasses. We welcome your submission of photos and observations taken in the park (please include date and place).
Photo credits are as follows: 1-3. Jim Hale; 4. Lisa Wan; 5. Marcel Holyoak; 6. Len Blumin; 7. Jason Webster; 8. Gary J. Wood; 9. Jeff Poskanzer; 10. Ecov Otto; 11. Walter Siegmund; 13. David Hofmann; 14. Jerry Kirkhart; 16. Sarah Murray.
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